Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Final Writing Exercise-Transformational Learning Essays

Final Writing Exercise-Transformational Learning Essays Final Writing Exercise-Transformational Learning Essay Final Writing Exercise-Transformational Learning Essay The four stages of transformational learning are recognizing a significant problem, confronting it intensely, finding a solution, and integrating a new perspective and a new set of assumptions into your life pattern. Like anything in life when we are faced with challenges, we have to first recognize the problem. You have two choices at this time. Choice one, tackle it head on, or turn your back on it. If you choose the latter the problem will come back on you with a vengeance, and you will encounter feelings of guilt for not facing it as intently as you should have the first time. Finding solutions rarely appear out of thin air. This is the time when you will utilize critical thinking. You will turn this problem over and over in your mind. Maybe even present it to close friends for their suggestions. You may seek professional help. The main thing is you are taking approaches to finding a solution. These actions will integrate a new way of thinking and handling future issues. : It is lessons like these or thought processes that change the way you think and handle future issues. Gaining new perspectives can also be called maturing. A transformational learning experience for me was watching my mother go through her hip replacement surgery and afterwards being diagnosed with cancer. I saw my mother weaken and sometimes she seemed to loose track of time because of the pain. She was not the solid rock that I had always observed. She became almost child like at times. I realized that I would soon have to step into her place and assume the head of the family structure. I went over what this would entail, to have the strength, character, and wisdom she possessed. Could I do it? I looked at my strengths, weakness, and indecisiveness. I did not run from this but met it head on. The answer was, yes. I would do this because it was thrust upon me and it would make me stronger. I had, at that time in the hospital room, looking at my mother, all the answers I needed. This was painful, it was stressful, but it was necessary. Almost immediately all of the family turned to me for answers and I was ready. Two of the seven phases I experienced would be, experiencing a disorientating dilemma. My mother’s illness was disorienting because I could not believe this was happening to me. But it was also a time of self examination. It made me aware of the time frame of my life that I was in. And it also made me understand future hopes and goals. I had to examine myself because I did not want to loose sight of the one important goal I have set in motion for my future. That goal is to finish my online degree, a bachelors’ degree in psychology.

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