Tuesday, August 25, 2020

cost of war Essay -- essays research papers fc

     The all out expense of the war in Iraq is currently over 161 billion dollars is as yet rising. That is a staggering measure of cash that is being advanced to battle a continuous war against agitators in Iraq. This cash might be put toward finding an answer for some of America’s progressively close to home issues, for example, the declining measure of government cash in schools, the expanding number of individuals being determined to have AIDS, and the expanding neediness level. Putting cash towards discovering answers for these issues would make America a superior spot to live.      Many schools are being shut during each time because of the absence of cash being placed into those schools. A portion of the cash spent on the war could be dispensed for these schools so as to keep them open. For instance, after the Board of Education declared that thirty-four government funded schools would close by the following fall the official VP, Virginia Cantrell, of the Detroit Federation of Teachers stated, â€Å"We are in a crisis† (Rummel standard 2). Cantrell said the loss of the greater part of the city’s populace in the previous thirty years and the development of contract schools leaves less understudies in the state funded educational system (Rummel standard 2). Notwithstanding keeping the schools open, the cash would likewise help stop different issues, for example, the absence of instructors and poor educator understudy proportions. In November of 2000, understudies at Guy Benjamin Elementary School were sent home after the instructors who showed up left(McCracken standard 1). The school shut down at 11:30 when the chief had just three staff individuals staying to administer in excess of 100 understudies (McCracken standard 2). The educators were striking a result of deficient compensation. The Territorial Court Judge finished the multi week strike by requesting the instructors to return to work (McCracken standard 3). The cash utilized for the war could be distributed to pay educators more cash to keep the individuals who at present are instructors and as an impetus to get more individuals to become instructors. This would dispense with the issue of individuals not having any desire to become instructors exclusively in light of the fact that educators don't bring in enough cash. Moreover, the cash could be utilized to purchase required supplies. Numerous schools don't have adequate measures of books or PCs, assuming any, that are in acceptable condition. The cash could likewise be utilized to redesign old schools that are beaten up pretty bad. Stu... ... for example, the spending plan and government managed savings could profit by cash utilized for the war in Iraq. Committing cash to tackling these issues would help take care of these issues as well as would affect America’s generally speaking prosperity. Most importantly there is a tremendous measure of cash being utilized to battle this war and if the cash was utilized all the more productively, it couldn't just be utilized for the war yet additionally be utilized for the wars that Americans presently fight ordinarily at home. Works Cited Jeanie Lerche Davis. â€Å"CDC: HIV/AIDS Statistics Up in America†. WebMDHealth. 28 July, 2003. WebMD. 14 April 2005. McCracken, David. â€Å"Benjamin School closes for absence of teachers†. World History Files. 8 November 2000. Hartford Web Publishing. 14 April 2005. . Rummel John. â€Å"‘Devastating’ school closings hit Detroit†. People’s Weekly World. 14 April 2005. People’s Weekly World Newspaper. 14 April 2005. . Siddiqi, Samana. â€Å"Statistics on destitution and food wastage in America†. SoundVision.com. 26 April 2004. Islamic Information and Products. 14 April 2005. . â€Å"The War in Iraq Costs†. Cost of War. April, 2003. National Priorities Project. 14 April 2005. .

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Managing Teams

The conduct brain research of a cutting edge man is that just as the individual gets together with his colleagues in gatherings and associations would he be able to want to control the political, monetary, and social powers that compromise his individual opportunity (Hersey, 1996, p. 359). One of the real factors of hierarchical conduct is that we need to work in and with critical thinking bunches so as to achieve our goals.  No matter how much individual worth is underscored, practically the entirety of the objectives must be accomplished in a gathering. It is in this manner essential to apply conduct science principals and ideas to overseeing groups all the more viably. Making and overseeing groups in the working environment can prompt viable results. Groups (formal work gatherings) are progressively seen as efficiency motors and simply like motors, they require consistent consideration and upkeep (Dumaine, 1994 pp. 86-92). Associations that are eager to put resources into coordinating the correct sort of group to the correct circumstance are getting significant yields on their investments.â Success in overseeing groups relies on clear and conclusive official administration, vision, preparing just as inclusion of cross-useful gathering of workers (Hersey, 1996, p. 360). As per Brian Dumaine, there are five sorts of groups: Critical thinking Teams: Identify and assault an issue and afterward disband. Supervisory groups: Coordinate work from various offices and capacities. Work Teams: These are self-guided groups accomplishing day by day work. Virtual Teams: They quicken and utilize high innovation correspondences to trade thoughts and jobs. Quality Circles Groups: They comprise of laborers and bosses who meet intermittently to address issues. Dealing with a Productive Team Achievement in making a beneficial group likewise relies on the manner in which the groups are assembled and how they draw on their encounters. It likewise relies upon how the group is planned. Groups that educated new methodology rapidly share three basic characters. They were intended for learning; their pioneers confined difficulties so that colleagues were exceptionally energetic to learn; and the pioneers' conduct made a domain of mental security that cultivated correspondence and advancement. Another basic part of group structuring was the degree to which replacement is allowed. For that pioneers need to create conditions for colleagues, for example, building up open correspondence and creating trust a feeling of fellowship. Official supervisory crew can likewise weaken the unpredictability of encompassing vital issues by giving increasingly advanced examinations and far reaching arrangements just as building up a suitable air for the group since observations become reality, comprehend and oversee them; research the holes among discernments and reality; and act definitively to address net misperceptions. As Douglas K. Smith recommends, â€Å"in the end, the shrewdness of groups is inside the group itself. It isn't in making the elite association, overseeing transformational change, implementing corporate execution morals, or rousing new components of authority. It is in a little gathering of individuals so dedicated to an option that could be bigger than them that they won't be denied† (Ward, 2007, pp. 85-90). It is imperative to create groups of individuals (human asset) to satisfy objectives and targets as indicated by an organization's innovative vision. The inner condition of any association would support and empower corporate group building approaches, a total corporate culture and qualities to accomplish hierarchical objectives and vision. References Making and Managing Teams from organizationaldynamics.com http://sloanreview.mit.edu/x/48313 John R. Katzenbach and Douglas K. Smith, The Wisdom of Teams.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

How to Stop Worrying When You Have Anxiety

How to Stop Worrying When You Have Anxiety Panic Disorder Symptoms Print How to Stop Worrying When You Have Anxiety By Sheryl Ankrom linkedin Sheryl Ankrom is a clinical professional counselor and nationally certified clinical mental health counselor specializing in anxiety disorders. Learn about our editorial policy Sheryl Ankrom Updated on May 17, 2019 Russell Johnson / EyeEm / Getty Images More in Panic Disorder Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Coping Related Conditions It’s normal to worry from time to time. Given life’s many unknowns and challenges, worry could be considered a very natural response to many situations. Chronic and all-consuming worry, though, can be troublesome and interfere with our ability to function freely and calmly in our daily lives. More importantly, it can make recovery from panic disorder or agoraphobia more difficult. In 1967, researchers Liebert and Morris suggested that anxiety has two main dimensions: Worry, which covers the ruminating or repetitive thoughts that are generally focused on potential failure or some other type of negative resultEmotionality, which refers to the excessive physiological arousal, such as sweating, heart racing, etc., that accompany states of anxiety. Other researchers have studied this two-dimensional model of anxiety and generally concur with the findings of Liebert and Morris, so it’s safe to say that worry is a main component of anxiety. Worry and Fear Worry can be normal and even beneficial in certain circumstances. If you’re worried about taking an upcoming exam, you may feel a sense of anxiety. Hopefully, this type of worry will motivate you to study harder. On the other hand, chronic worry tends to do the opposite, keeping you from doing what you need to do. Worry becomes a problem when it is chronic, consuming, and leads to anxious avoidance and inhibition. In other words, worry becomes fear. It distracts you from important matters, and it can inhibit action or problem-solving. Using the above example, lets say youre worried that you wont do well on an upcoming exam. Instead of the exam motivating you to study harder, though, your worry consumes your mind, you cant concentrate on the task at hand and you are unable to prepare properly for the test. Your fear of failure now becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Are Your Worrisome Thoughts a Problem? You may have a problem with worry if you: Consistently worry about future failures, dangers, or other types of negative outcomesRuminate, or repeat in your mind, the same worry or worriesTry to stop worrying by anxious avoidance of certain situationsBecome paralyzed with worry and are unable to focus on, or implement, constructive solutions to your problems. The 7 Best Online Anxiety Support Groups

Friday, May 22, 2020

Why Do You Sweat - Evaporative Cooling - The Heat Index

Most people know sweating is a process your body uses to cool down. Your body is always trying to maintain an even body temperature. Sweating reduces body heat through a process known as evaporative cooling. Just like getting out of a pool in the summertime, a small wind will be enough movement across your wet skin to create cooling. Try This Simple Experiment Wet the back of your hand.Blow gently across your hand. You should already feel a cooling sensation.Now, blot your hand dry and use the opposite hand to feel the actual temperature of your skin. It will actually be cooler to the touch! During the summer, humidity in certain areas of the world is very high. Some people even refer to the weather as muggy weather. High relative humidity means the air is holding a lot of water. But there is a limit to the amount of water air can hold. Think of it this way...If you have a glass of water and a pitcher, no matter how much water is in the pitcher, you simply cannot make a glass hold more water. Just to be fair, the idea of air holding water can be seen as a common misconception unless you look at the full story on how water vapor and air interact. There is a wonderful explanation of the common misconception with relative humidity from Georgia State University. Relative Humidity is a "Glass Half Full" Going back to the idea of evaporative cooling, if there is nowhere for the water to evaporate to, then it stays on your skin surface. In other words, when the relative humidity is very high, there is only a little room in that glass for more water. If the Heat Index is High in Your Area... When you sweat, the only way you cool down is through evaporation of water from your skin. But if the air is holding too much water already, the sweat stays on your skin and you get little to no relief from the heat. A high Heat Index value shows a small chance of evaporative cooling from the skin. You even feel like it is hotter outside because you cant rid your skin of the excess water. In many areas of the world, that sticky, humid feeling is nothing more than... Your Body Says: Wow, my sweating mechanism is not cooling my body very well because the high temperatures and high relative humidity combine to create less than ideal conditions for the evaporative cooling effects of water from surfaces. You and I say: Wow, it is hot and sticky today. I better get in the shade! Either way you look at it, the Heat Index is designed to keep you safe in the summertime. Keep on alert for all signs of summer heat illnesses and know the danger zones!

Friday, May 8, 2020

Effectiveness And Proficiency Of Healthcare - 1684 Words

Introduction Outcomes research is a specific and growing subject matter in the medical industry. Outcomes research observes the effectiveness and proficiency of healthcare.5 The results of outcomes research studies allow physicians and medical care staff to make the adjustments necessary to help patients’ experiences. Outcomes research studies focus on the end results, particularly patients’ health and capabilities. In order to provide quality service, healthcare staff must take patients’ experiences, wants and values into account.5,6,7 Patient wellness and involvement is of great concern for future endeavors. The findings of these studies lead to adjustments in practice as well as progress in more decisive research.6 The future†¦show more content†¦Donabedian completed the program assessment by evaluating the connection between structure, process and outcomes. Donabedian considered outcomes to be a critical advocator for effectiveness and quality.8,9 Out comes seek improvement in areas that need adjustments. Agency of Health Services Research (AHSR) was the first foundation established in 1959 that focused solely on studying the effectiveness of health services.9 The AHSR is an organization that invests to improve the quality of heath care and health care services. By 1989, another group was created by Congress; the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR). This association was a substitute for the AHSR. The AHCPR was required to perform research studies regarding health care services and systems[†¦]9 In hope of finding new information, the AHCPR jump-started the Medical Treatment Effectiveness Program (MEDTEP), part of which was the Patient Outcomes Research Teams (PORTs). The aim of MEDTEP was to improve the effectiveness and appropriateness of medical practices. Three aspects of this portion are patient outcomes research, database development and research on effective methods of distributing the information.9 In making this program, Congress was making sure that outcomes research was being explored and data was being collected. PORTs is the part of the program that calls for literature reviews and

Wednesday, May 6, 2020


Miss Veers abides by the initial plan to provide are to the men suffering from syphilis and to prove that black and whites were the same biologically in regards to disease. As Miss Veers initially believes that the government would provide the best medical support available to her patients, she rallies up a majority of the African American men of Macon County. Miss Veers becomes profoundly attached to the patients, as they are to her. We will write a custom essay sample on HIPAA HITECH or any similar topic only for you Order Now Although the government funded project intended to treat the men, the funds for the study ultimately dissipate. Dry. Broods, the chief doctor of Tuskegee, heads to Washington where he is confronted by Washington D. C. Officials with an offer of a new underlying principle for funding. The gentlemen explain to Dry. Broods that the study of the African American men is intended to mimic the study that was done in Oslo, Norway that focused on Caucasian males who were infected. On the contrary, the Tuskegee men would no longer be patients who would be treated, but as human subjects of research. They would also not be informed of the transformation of the study. In disbelief, Dry. Broods learns the truth about the government experiment, but is intrigued and hopeful that the project would bring future funding for proper reattempts in order for the African American Men of Tuskegee and to establish the fact that a disease would bring about the same affects on people regardless of race. In disbelief and feeling distraught that the men will not be treated, Miss Veers sticks to her pledge and commitment to treating the men and feels as if she must not abandon them as she will be there for comfort and support. Dry. Broads and Miss Veers hoped that funding for treatment would be restored after several months, but the years sweep by. The men were given placebos and liniments and Miss Veers intended her effort to partake in the lie that eventually results in a four-decade period of deteriorated health for African American men. This eventually leads to the 1973 Senate hearing in which Miss Veers testifies into the Tuskegee study which viewers are introduced to in the beginning of the film. From there, viewers are taken to the scenes of the four decade Journey, which depict the many examples of ethical issues that took place in the Tuskegee study. The decisions and actions of Miss Veers proved to be courageous, but at the same time, many unethical factors and situations occurred during the study. In the Ethics Lecture written by Lisa Hankerer, the concepts of ethics and ethical dilemmas are explained. Within a workplace or professional group, a code of ethics must be abided by. â€Å"A professional Code of Ethics will include how one should conduct themselves in an ethical manner† (Hankerer 1). Different types of codes of ethics include â€Å"Relations with Public†, â€Å"Responsibility to the Profession† and â€Å"Responsibility in the Research and Evaluation† (Hankerer 1), all of which Miss Veers was involved with. Miss Veers took a pledge to care for, protect, and provide emotional support towards the infected men which is her code of conduct as a health professional. Time progressed and as the men continued to be untreated, symptoms began to develop and health starts to deteriorate. A dancer of the group named Willie, develops problems within his skeletal system as his bones deteriorate. Ben, another man of the group, begins to show signs of mental dysfunction as the syphilis infection spreads to his brain. Penicillin became available in the sass, but the infected men were not given any. Eventually, several of the untreated men die. Although Miss Veers had an initial ledge to care for and treat the men, she ultimately deceived them into thinking they would soon get better and continued to give them placebos and pseudo treatment such as spinal taps which she called â€Å"back shots† (Miss Veers’ Boys). Miss Veers only did what she thought was right and fulfilled her duty of following the doctor’s orders, but her conduct was unethical. She went out of the boundaries of the proper code of conduct as a genuine health care provider. Dry. Broads also had his fare share of unethical actions as he never informed the patients of the procedures and tests done upon them. Not once did Dry. Broods get informed consent from the men to obtain physical tests from them. Miss Veers’ continued to tell the men â€Å"Listen to the doctors, because they know’ (Miss Veers Boys). She did an accurate Job of instilling trust the infected men. Although Dry. Broods’ sole purpose was to treat the infected men with syphilis and receive funding for proper treatment; purpose was never fulfilled resulting in a 4 decade failed research project drastically affecting and killing the innocent men in Macon county. In the Ethics Lecture by Lisa Hankerer, she states hat â€Å"the study (of the Tuskegee men) has moved from a singular historical event to a powerful metaphor that symbolizes racism in medicine, misconduct in human research, the arrogance of physicians, and government abuse of black people† (1). This touches on the â€Å"Barriers to Ethical Problems† in which Hankerer identifies in the Ethics Lecture. The economics from the sass to sass was complex, and African Americans certainly dealt with many economic barriers in that era because of their race. Resources for treatment were diminished for the men of Tuskegee as funding as never aided to the project acting as a barrier to receive legitimate treatment to cure the infection of syphilis. The concept of â€Å"Institutional racism† (Hankerer) contributes to the fact that the infected African American men were untreated for a long period of time and were never permitted by the U. S. Government to receive penicillin as treatment. Another factor contributing to the institutional racism portrayed in Miss Veers Boys was the common misconception that the African American men of Macon County, Alabama would react differently to disease than Caucasian men. Miss Veers’ Boys portrayed mordant events of health science in America from the sass to sass that led to legal action towards racism and abuse of humans as research subjects. The decisions Miss Veers faced had many pros and cons in regards to the infected men of the Tuskegee Institution with how they felt, what they went through, and the effects on their health. Throughout the movie, as a viewer, I consistently hoped that Miss Veers would defy the conventions of the doctors and obtain a cure for syphilis to treat the men lawfully. References Hankerer, Lisa. â€Å"Ethics Lecture†. Human Development Course. (2014) Miss Veers’ BOYS. 1997 TV Movie Youth. Com: http://www. Youth. Com/watch? V=muddy OB8233BA1947FA forty year study and her reasons as to why she continued with it for as long as she did. The movie leaves the viewers to reflect on the ethical and the immoral issues of the Tuskegee Experiment. In conclusion, Miss Veers may have been one of the main focuses of evaluating the Tuskegee study in the 1972 Senate hearing, but it is the intentions of the U. S senators and government that should also be looked at for moral evaluation. How to cite HIPAA HITECH, Papers

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Sociological explanation of the rise of cohabitation, divorce and remarriage Essay Example

Sociological explanation of the rise of cohabitation, divorce and remarriage Essay Today, almost 25% of 18-49 year olds are cohabiting, it has been suggested that this is now an alternative to marriage. However, only a small percentage of women are cohabiting on a permanent basis and the majority of cohabitees are in a stage which proceeds marriage or going through the process of a breakup. For example, more than half of cohabitations last for less than two years and the reason the main reason for breakup is their decision to get married. This is linked to the decision to have children or the fact that the woman is already pregnant. There are three types of marital breakdown, divorce, which is a legal dissolution of marriage, separation, this is where partners live apart and empty-shell marriages, where the couples remain married but have separate emotional and social lives. Since 1971, marriages have fallen by one-fifth and divorce have doubled, this suggests a collapse in the institution of the family but it could be argued that all of this happened due to unhappy marriages which are likely to end in divorce and the number of empty-shell marriages has declined. The divorce rate partially reflects legal changes. When the law was liberalised to make divorce easier to obtain, there became an increase in the numbers applying for divorce. This is not a course of divorce but a reflection of unhappy marriages. Goode has argued that this process of liberalisation is part of a wider process of secularisation in western societies, by which he means that it reflects the decline in the institution of religion. There is now less stigma attached to it as society as accepted it. We will write a custom essay sample on Sociological explanation of the rise of cohabitation, divorce and remarriage specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Sociological explanation of the rise of cohabitation, divorce and remarriage specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Sociological explanation of the rise of cohabitation, divorce and remarriage specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Examples of the sudden increase in divorce include the Divorce Reform Act which came into force in 1971 and in 1984 the shortening of the period that a couple had to be married before they could petition for divorce. The divorce rate is an almost exact reflection of the gradual liberalisation of divorce in the twentieth century. In 1969 the law was changed so that irretrievable breakdown of marriage became the only reason for divorce. This meant separation for two years if both partners wanted divorce or separation for five years for five years if only one partner wanted divorce. It has to be remembered that changes in the law reflects changes in public opinion, so we cannot say that the changes in divorce laws caused a rise in divorce, rather they allowed a rise in divorce. Goode has suggested that historically marriage in most societies was not based upon love, but was supposed to be an economic relationship with limited expectations regarding companionship. Partners did not expect marriage to provide partnership and sexual fulfilments as we do today. This links to another sociologist, Parsons who claims that the family has lost its wider functions and instead today is relegated to providing the emotional needs that are not available in the broader society. Furthermore, the decline in the extended family and the move to the nuclear family places greater emotional pressures on the fewer family members. The result of all this emotional loading is that the family becomes an emotional pressure cooker, with the head of emotions leading to chances of an explosion. If the family fails to provide all the emotional and social needs then the marriage breaks down. Changing attitudes of women, three-quarters of divorces are started by wives. This suggests that: the increasing economic independence of women, the increasing beliefs in their own rights and the availability of legal aid for divorce have allowed them the opportunity and desire to divorce if they feel restricted in their marriage. Traditionally, the dominant economic role and the values of patriarchy meant that it was difficult for wives to initiate proceedings. The informal social control and community pressure which helped marriages to remain in place have weakened as a result of increasing urbanisation and the related decline in community. Marital breakdown occurs with greater frequency amongst certain social groups than others. There are higher divorce rates amongst the working and lower classes. The younger the partners at marriage, the higher the chances of divorce. This reflects possible emotional immaturity, the fact that the woman is more likely to be pregnant at marriage or their personal development may take place at different speeds and in different directions. However, the increase in cohabitation and the availability of terminations and contraceptions have decreased the numbers of people marrying young or when the partner is pregnant with an un-planned pregnancy. More than 90% of people still marry today. Although divorce rates are high, remarriages are high too, suggesting that people may reject their partners but they are not rejecting the institution of marriage. However, cohabitation is increasing rapidly and it is now normal to cohabit before marriage. Divorce has increased rapidly since the 1960s and the first marriages have declined. The continuing popularity of marriage is reflected in the fact that those who divorce are still likely to remarry. The increase in divorce reflects changing attitudes and expectations from marriage and the fact that divorce is now easier to obtain.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Nazis in the World Today essays

Nazis in the World Today essays One of the most memorable and significant events in history is the holocaust that was caused by Nazis prejudices. The results from Nazi prejudices were the torture and deaths of thousands of people. The effects from their actions caused many problems for the world and violated the natural rights of thousands of Jews. On February 10, 2001, in Hagen, Germany, thousands of protestors joined together for a demonstration against a neo-Nazi march (CNN). About 7,500 counter-demonstrators rallied against the march, which was organized by the Federation of German Unions. The group had exceeded its expected number of demonstrators. The expected number of demonstrators was 5000. Police said some protestors tried to break through barriers and disrupt the neo-Nazi march which attracted 250 supporters (CNN). Germany is trying to combat a wave of hate crimes that have erupted since its reunification in 1990. Hostility towards foreigners, who make up eight percent of Germanys 82 million people, is often especially strong in the east, where right-wing groups have created what they call foreigner free zones through intimidation (CNN). The governor of North Rhine-Westphalia state, Wolfgang Clement, had called for a peaceful demonstatration. The far right march was permitted only under strict conditions. They were not allowed to wear military style boots or bomber jackets, and were not allowed to march in rows or beat drums. We wanted to prevent a uniformed march because that would frighten people, said Ute Hellmann, a police spokeswoman (CNN). Many precautions were taken because several incidents had occurred earlier that caused much concern towards the march. In the eastern state of Mecklenburg, a Jewish cemetery in the town of Bruel had been vandalized with swastikas and SS symbols (CNN). Also, in Bavaria two police officers were slightly injured when a group of about 40 neo-Nazis and Rus...

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Punctuation Marks as Transitional Signposts

Punctuation Marks as Transitional Signposts Punctuation Marks as Transitional Signposts Punctuation Marks as Transitional Signposts By Mark Nichol Punctuation is a support system to enhance the organizational flow of a sentence. Often, it also provides transitional cues, and for clarity, it’s important to make that distinction by using specific punctuation marks. Here are three sentences improved by choosing the correct punctuation from various alternatives. 1. She has seen this happen before, several times in fact. When a sentence takes an abrupt turn in syntactical flow, as here, the sturdy em dash (usually called simply a dash) should be called in to strengthen the transition; a comma is also required between the primary modifying phrase â€Å"several times† and â€Å"in fact,† which in turn modifies the previous phrase: â€Å"She has seen this happen before- several times, in fact.† (Using a dash in place of what is now the first of two commas also clarifies to the reader that the dash represents a more significant transition than the weaker comma does.) 2. The country has benefited from an influx of young workers- namely undocumented immigrants. Here, a dash correctly signals an abrupt transition, but the sentence displays the common error of failing to punctuate after the adverb namely. (The equivalent phrases â€Å"that is to say† and â€Å"to wit† would be supplied with a comma, so for consistency, namely should also.) In this case, a comma would be correct in place of the dash, but as in the previous example, the dash sends a message that it represents the more significant of two punctuation marks: â€Å"The country has benefited from an influx of young workers- namely, undocumented immigrants.† 3. He’s sending a message by his actions is what he’s doing. A grammatically flawed statement such as this should never be published unless the writer is reporting a direct quotation, and even then, the idea can be expressed in a paraphrase. Instead of â€Å"‘He’s sending a message by his actions is what he’s doing,’ said Smith,† the writer can report, â€Å"Smith said that, by his actions, Jones is sending a message.† (A careful speaker would render the sentence more print friendly by saying, â€Å"What he’s doing by his actions is sending a message,† but reporters should not correct the grammar of those they interview.) If the quotation must be published verbatim, insert a comma before â€Å"is what he’s doing† to indicate that this is a tacked-on addendum to the main clause: â€Å"He’s sending a message by his actions, is what he’s doing.† Technically, a stronger punctuation mark such as a semicolon or a dash is called for, to suggest that the second part of the sentence is a truncation of an independent clause (â€Å"that is what he is doing†), but these marks seem intrusive; a comma is a more subtle marker of a change in the sentence’s syntactical structure. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Synonyms for â€Å"Leader†How to Punctuate Descriptions of ColorsHow often is "bimonthly"?

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Media Reflections Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Media Reflections - Assignment Example What is known with Americans is about the world is more inconsistent to the influence they have and how it control resources. An erroneous rule of thumb for foreign correspondents covering the world’s news is that â€Å"all everyone cares is about earthquakes and rebellions†. On the other hand, most Americans get their news from television and newsletters including magazines. However, television is the last effective media in communicating in-depth news with great knowledge due to its distortions and sparseness. If numbers can mean anything, journals and newspapers are not doing their job in getting Americans informed that they have a lot to learn from other newly developed countries. Most average sized newspapers are found to publish a maximum of one thousand words in a day for foreign news. This discards much of the total words furnished by the syndicates and news agencies. There are estimated less than four hundred full time correspondents for United States news orga nizations internationally serving the U.S. This is fewer than the number of correspondents who were at work at the end of the Second World War. The printing press was found to have numerous effects on people’s association and interactions. It was found to foster nationalism while at the same time promoted individualism. People could not engage in association in the mind of being a liability. The printing press also set up the literacy rates among the working people and on the middle class people. Knowledge was democratized among all members of the state. People could obtain knowledge on specific areas with much support from the printing press (Harrison, 1996). The printing press was as well found to have speeded up the dissemination and the preservation of knowledge among all members of the state. In relation to the internet in the modern day media, these functions of the printing press correspond to the specific effects portrayed through the study of the internet today. Inte raction among individuals is greatly enhanced by the internet while many of the internet users. The internet shapes the users knowledge through the interaction by different people. It democratizes knowledge with no limitation to all users (McLuhan, 2006).   Information is known to be in form of power. This is now known than ever in the third world countries and they are therefore calling for new international order of information. The newly developed countries have their demands going unheeded due to the lack of a substantial change in the world system of information dissemination. The American media in particular, are highly influential. The feature films, popular press, commercial TV and the hit parades were all invented in U.S. they were then imported and copied by the rest of the nations. Very little of the Anglo-American news film agencies and news select the images for the perception of international political information in the world. Information is no longer treated as a c ommodity but as a service at the disposal of every person. In the same way, if a new world order of information is established, the third world nations must consolidate their information media as well as the western highly developed technological states must assist. People make use of the media in criticizing the

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Activity-Based Costing (ABC) in Service Industries Case Study - 1

Activity-Based Costing (ABC) in Service Industries - Case Study Example r that the Amazon.com Company is a verified technology leader; it has developed electronic commerce innovations such as personalization of shopping services and easy-to-use search and browse features (Anderson & Young, 2001). Shopping at Amazon.com is fast and safe, incorporating a simple ordering system, secure credit card transactions, and e-mail communication with customers and direct shipping internationally. The Internet is an increasingly significant global medium for online commerce. The Company’s headquarters are based in the Seattle, Washington. The Amazon.com firm successfully accomplished its initial civic offering in the mid-month of the year 1997 and its common stock is listed on the Nasdaq National Market under the symbol AMZN. In many ways, Amazon.com is perhaps the company that is most closely tied with the E-Commerce phenomenon. The company has grown from a bookseller to a fundamental Wal-Mart of the website selling products as diverse such as Music compact discs, game applications, software and apparatus and hardware. The company has also grown at a steady rate with revenues rising from about one hundred million dollars in 1997 to three billion dollars in 2001 (Anderson & Young, 2001). However, the rise in revenue has led to a corresponding increase in operating losses making the company to run a great deficit. The company did make its first quarterly profit of five million dollars in the fourth quarter of 2001. Unfortunately, this was made to decline by vital cumulative losses. Great economists first defined the concept of Activity Based Activity in the late 19th century in that period. Originally, the ABC was focusing on the manufacturing industry where the technical upgrading and output upgrading had reduced the quantity of express labor and the material costs, though there was an increase in the percentage of indirect or overhead cost. In contrast to the traditional cost accounting system, the activity based cost systems originally

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Principles Behind Project Management Systems and Procedures

Principles Behind Project Management Systems and Procedures The beginning of project management is in the construction business, resulted as pyramids. A king contracted for the construction of his own relaxing home, given to a project manager. This manager was accountable for the rational development of the physical structure, with cutting and carriage of stone, organising of workforce, and construction of the pyramid as planned by the emperor. Modern building organizations hire an updated model of project management, using graphical tools and software to help achieve the sequencing of resources distribution, paraphernalia procedure, and industry knowledge. Usually one organization has several projects underneath at a specified time, confounding the requirement for particular scheduling of resource accessibility to complete each assignment successfully and proficiently. A number of experts have acknowledged a resemblance to construction firms in operative style. For example, legitimate and public bookkeeping companies, while not necessitating brace beams or earth-moving tools, have various legal cases or specialized checks in progress instantaneously. For these corporations, it is required to assign the accessibility of specialized consultants. Principles of project Management Project management principles are most often well-read from practise, and they have world-wide validity for all ventures. This is individuals own perception how he/she could be able to implement those. It is an important matter. Principle Based Project Management begins with these principles: Rule 1- Keep in mind which type of professional you are going to do. Is this business feasible? Choose projects that are worthy for your business. Recognise the commercial worth in your project and keep an eye for fluctuations. Be conscientious in your selected business, learning and put on finest practices. Define what is exclusive and exterior your capacity of concern. Rule 2 Comprehend the clients requirements and sort them. Carefully apprehend and file the customers necessities, get client contract in inscription, and put requirements documents under version identification and change control. Requirements management is the important success aspect for systems development projects. Rule 3 Design a sensible plan. Design a plan that outlines the possibility, agenda, budget, and methodology for a practical project. Include job owners in emerging plans and appraisals, to guarantee viability and buy-in Rule 4 Construct a worthy squad with clear rights. Acquire noble persons and have faith. Create strong possession of well-defined responsibilities; confirm they have tools and preparation needed; and deliver well-timed response. Track beside an operating plan. Give emphasis to open communications. Construct an atmosphere in which team forces at work can gel. Move oddities out. Lead the squad. Rule 5 Keep an eye on project prominence and give it widespread distinguishability. Track development and have repeated evaluations. Deliver inclusive perceptibility and communications of players improvement, expectations, and concerns. Conduct systematic evaluations of management and practical areas to support manage customer anticipations, progress excellence, and recognise complications before they get out of hand. Rule 6 Use Starting point Controls. Inaugurate reference point for the artefact using configuration management and for the plan using budget and schedule reference line tracing. Manage variations purposefully. Practise measurements to standard problematic extents and then track growth quantitatively on the way to elucidations. Rule 7 Put pen to paper Significant Matter, Share it, and Save it. File requirements, strategies, actions, and progressing projects. Keep a record thoughts permit them to grow and improve. Deprived of citations it is difficult to have baseline controls, consistent communications, or a repeatable method. Record all significant pacts and conclusions, along with supportive rationale, as they may come up well ahead. Rule 8 A good test plan should be there. Cultivate test cases for validations and verifications. Use pilot tests to attest critical items and decrease technical menaces. Rule 9 Guarantee consumer contentment. Keep the customers real needs and requirements continuously in view. Invisible changes in buyer requests or not concentrating the project on the customers trade requirements are definite routes to project disaster. Make a clear plan for Clients requirement satisfaction. Rule 10 Proactive approach should be there. Dont wait for damage, have each and every backup in advance in the view of disaster. Project problems worsen over time. Sporadically address project menaces and confront them cooperatively. Appraise the viability of projects and develop success/failure criteria Project viability can be checked by keeping in mind following criteria: a) Scope of the study: Basically before taking any project the scope of the project and the degree should be evidently predicted out based on the requirement of the project. Henceforth deprived of a clear visualisation of the project objective it is difficult to make a fruitful project. All the source desired for the project should be accessible in the report undoubtedly, planned accomplishment date etc. (b) Procurement of data for the studies: Nevertheless the asset and production expenses should be projected as accurately as possible, the budgets and period involved in procurement of the data are not always accurate and it therefore occasionally it is essential for the project team to have faith in suppositions. (c) Verification of alternatives and assumptions: When numerous substitutions are being delivered with concerning choice of equipment , capability, financing etc. In datum the nitty-gritties will be robust when the following substitutions are provided along with the particulars of the project outline: 1. Planned cost structure. 2. Work plans. 3. Exchange mechanism. 4. Landmark elements. (d) Planned cost structure: The expenditure for the project deliverables are always in expressions of prices, regardless of the nature of the produce such as study prices, work expenses, overhead cost etc. Consequently it would be idyllic to brand all the essential expenses experienced throughout the project execution, which justifies to be treated as cost. The manufacture cost depends on accessibility of the data about the vital capitals, manpower, effort agenda, type of equipment, accessible means, and dissemination prices, expertise of the employment. (e) Setting up the operations: Limit the accomplishment of the project is also a significant feature in project viability study. New practices such as PERT, GERT, CPM, ZBB etc are used for operational time management, in demand to be accurate in their close date. (f) Project team: It is desirable to formulate the report beneath the administration of specialists since they are mindful time restraints, assets, and source requirement for the project. To conduct a viability study the idyllic team associates would encompass. 1. Industry economist. 2. Market specialist. 3. Management professionals. 4. Technical head. 5. Project Supervisor. (g) Project meant for extension: Viability studies for a fresh project might be somewhat dissimilar from previously standing projects whose attention is to enlarge their measure of action and the scope of coverage. Depending upon the scope of the project, it should be evident from the new scheme whether the current interior organizational structure and supportive amenities will be adequate or need some alterations. (h) Cost studies: Scheming of pre-investment expenses differs from project to project. Since expenses are essential factors of several types of pre-investment readings it is desirable to specify the size of the expense. c) Developing success/failure criteria of a project Essentially, the project demonstrations exhibited success itself is problematic to outline. In a archetypal group of shareholders-i.e., the project leader, team associates, merchandise end workers, project promoter and top administration-a projects success might, at any given instant, obtain very dissimilar assessments. Given this certainty, it turns into clear that an estimation of project accomplishment should comprise both procedure and result principles. They used the following practice-related measures: Time: Did the project come in on planned time? Cost: Did the project derive in according to financial plan? Product: Did the project result in a produce of suitable worth and encounter other goods -related stipulations? The three outcome-related criteria they used were: Use: Were the projects consequential products/amenities used by its envisioned elements? Learning: Did the project intensify interested party knowledge and enhanced formulation the organization for forthcoming challenges? Value: Did the project lead straight to the organizations better-quality competence or efficacy? Common metrics comprise internal rate of return (IRR),, , economic value added (EVA) ,net present value (NPV) and the composed record. References: http://www.performancexpress.org/ Understand the principles behind project management systems and procedures. Principles behind project management systems and procedures are recognized for the following requirement to fulfil; Meet the clients expectancy Meet project time limit and liability Bring about project revenue margins Well-organized resource utilization Accomplish facts for quicker decision making Confirming limited resources are used on the right plans Binding the dynamism of work in attaining advantageous modification Supervising multifarious variations in an planned way Measuring risks, describing goals and key success parts and setting excellence objectives. Identify the key elements involved in terminating projects and conducting post project appraisals Essential Key Elements are: Assure that all payments have been collected from the customer Assure that all payments for materials and subcontractors have been paid Prepare a written performance evaluation of each member of the project team Hold post-project evaluation meetings commemorate Have individual meetings with team members and a group meeting with the project team Hold soon after the finishing point declare meeting in advance so people can be equipped Individual meetings allow team members to give their individual impersonation Develop an plan for a group meeting Group meeting should talk about performance and recommendation for enhancement Issue a brief written report to management with a summing up and recommendations Some topics that might be discussed: procedural performance cost performance schedule performance project planning and control customer relationships group relationships communications problem recognition and resolution 2. Examine project organisation and people. Identify the most appropriate organisational structure, roles and responsibilities of participants within a project Prosperous organisations are those that: Have people of visualization and champs of transformation to lead them; Expose the potential of their staff. This is done by generating principles of sincere empowerment of staff to emphasis on the customer. They also motivate good communication, collaboration and preparation. They roll out any ranked pyramids. Identify their clienteles persistently learning from others and going up to the confronts retained by demanding clients. This leads to improvement and keenness. Produce new and fruitful merchandises or amenities by a good knowledge of contestants, inspiring improvement to achieve new ideas. Emphasis on the essential business, accompanied by tactical coalitions. Go beyond their customers expectancies. A virtuous enterprise will admire its individuals as a key resource, not a financial rate. It is a mark of noble administration that all workforces are authorised to appreciate their potential, and profit from working out to ensure so. Managements of all organisations have four core tasks they require to device: Fabrication to make the merchandises or amenities; Transactions and advertising to get the artefact sold; Human resources (employees to you) to employ and train employees; Investment to remunerate for the undertakings. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES The roles and responsibilities of project contributors will vary. The necessities positioned on participants will be resolute and demarcated during the project planning process phase,following points can be considered: On a large project, individual role projects may need full-time consideration to the task. On smaller projects, role duties may be completed part-time, with staff distribution in the implementation of several utilities. Tasking and specific responsibilities are generally overlapped in the Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS) as activity projects are defined during the scheduling phase. Typically these duties are shorter term and present only to the attainment of the action distribution. The Project Team and Shareholders A project team includes a varied combination of people and qualities who exchanging the responsibility for achieving plan goals. Shareholders on every project include: Organizational Management, who outlines business requirements, objectives and purposes of the project as well as describing the guidelines and measures leading the project,. The Project Manager, who has final accountability for project accomplishment The Project Team members, who are answerable for holding the performance of the project work actions. These could comprise: Project management human resources Business development human resources Subject Matter Experts (SME) Documentation (user and practical) human resources Training human resources Technical human resources Information Security Officer Leaders/decision makers The Project Supporter, who frontrunners in receiving the need for the project documented as well as in case funding, permitting the means enlistment, and confirming the sanctuary of IT applications. The Purchaser, who is the individual(s) or association(s) using the merchandise of the project and who regulates the approval criteria for the product. Organizational Management Organizational Management is accountable for the identification of the need and occasion for a project, valuation of project risk, and the endorsement of the projects viability and capitals. Management Roles and Responsibilities General Functions Provide leadership and possessions to establish and advance project management Ensure that enough resources are available to conduct projects Analysis/support promises to external individuals (e.g., customers, vendors) Ensure staff is appropriately qualified in project management practices and principles Project Commencement Select Project Manager and contribution in project team recruitment Review/authenticate/admire project scheduler Authorize and provide financial support Project Planning Authenticate that project goals and objectives are defined Review/approve project plan, cost, risk and establish management capitals Provide management inaccuracy as established by review of the project risk analysis, risk reaction planning and mission plan Allow project staff accessibility Project Implementation Repeatedly conduct administrative management reviews and provide your ideas Project Control Review project status and corrective action plans (if required) Review/Approve changes upsetting scope, timing, cost, and/or quality, as essential Project Close-out Authenticate project accomplishment (goals objectives) Substantiate customer and sponsor reception Review and close plan accounting/financial records Review project instructions knowledgeable and post project reports for constant enhancement accomplishment Project Sponsor / Business Sponsor The Project Sponsor is typically a member of the management squad who will be the receiver of the projects end consequence (the product). The Project Sponsor is usually the head of a program region. This specific makes the business argument for the project to exist, controls the overall funding of the project and outlines the receipt criteria of the produce. Many organizations have commands such as Information Technology Security Certification and Authorization which recognizes security related tasks for the System Proprietor. Sponsor Roles and Responsibilities General Functions Eloquent project and/or customer necessities Authenticate that project requirements are met Provide the necessary finance and resources as correct Titleholder the project to provide acquaintance and buy-in Communicate the sponsors views on project growth and success influences to the project team and other shareholders Project Commencement Provide the deliberate goals and objectives of the recipient organization and guidance to the project team to identify the significance and value of the project Develop project idea document Describe sponsor and organizations needs Acquire or provides capital for the project Document necessities Project Planning Review and approve the Project Management Plan and management attitude Participate in planning conferences Project Accomplishment Attend decision-making requirement appraisals Decide intensified project requests-issues, removes barricades and difficulties to the project Deliver transcribed agreement to project requirements and meet the requirements Project Control Appear and contribute as required at Project Status Reviews and piloting meetings Show up change control meetings and appraisals and supports change in scope, timing, quality and/or cost as compressed Project Close-out Provide demonstration or input to lessons learned reviews Sign off on project accomplishment. Control and co-ordinate a project Project coordination is planning and managing several responsibilities at the same time. Coordination is indispensable for a industry that deals with two or more linked plans. Projects differ based on commercial goals but may comprise initiation a new produce or growing facilities into new zones. A project coordinator commonly has diverse roles and accountabilities, dependent on the business, business scope, and mission objective. Project coordinators can function as decision makers or subordinate to lead managers. Project control cycle Recognize the purposes and restrictions, and cultivate a plan. Analyse and baseline the proposal. Acquire agreement to proceed. Do some effort. Measure performance and bring up-to-date the original estimations and predictions. Bring up to date the plan and financial plan predictions to have explanation of the state-of-the-art statistics. Explore the reasons of any momentous deviations with detail to the baseline. Analyse the related jeopardies and expectations. If compulsory, improve opportunities for captivating counteractive action. Settle on any remedial plan that is mandatory and appraise the plans . Approve that the goals have been accomplished and that the prerequisite merchandises have been distributed. Acquire official sign-off if applicable. Figure: Project control cycle Identify project leadership requirements and qualities. In a team building, populaces are encouraged to provide thoughts and useful conclusions. This transformation rules how plans in the present day are being fulfilled. Moved out is the old-fashioned system of running ventures where the person above you made the judgments, assumed the timeframes, and fix all goals. Today, we must have additional players who will take the compulsory guidance and move the project onward. This turn out to be a struggle with anticipations and values. It is a fact project management is here to stay. Shape the Accurate Crew: Several project players practice turf encounters. Persons dispute and are unhelpful; they do not cooperate. Non-cooperation leads to project breakdown .most people are capable to overcome their personal aversions and silently effort together. Nevertheless, the squad leader is accountable for holding unsolved project planning. By cautiously choosing the crew participants in the opening, several types of these difficulties can be escaped. Explain Something in Great Detail for Your Team Upfront: It all the time works well to convey people the reality. By illuminating the penetration of the venture and how considerable time you expect it will yield for accomplishment will construct your reliability. Generate the right grounds by clarifying the course for conducting difficulties, adjust commands, and projects. By providing the facts up front, you set a gist of admiration and gentility. Craft an Atmosphere of Reliance: You should create reliability and walk the tà ªte-à  -tà ªte regularly. Give people respect. People who are treated badly will not likely be helpful and supportive. Elude and depress dishonesties and backstabbing. These eradicate reliance and give the base for rejection of leadership. Individuals can handle mistakes or catastrophe, but they cannot handle deceptions and lack of respect. Observe and Provide Opinion: Providing appropriate reaction on the pros and cons of a project is very significant. Never take too lightly the worth of a literal on the rear with a good job supplement. If you ponder individuals are performing well, express them. In some cases, leaders applause individuals at the commencement of the project but fail to recall to comprise reaction over the comprehensive time of the project. Reminisce, admiration expenses nothing. Point out optimistic actions with observations. These positive shorings up supports retain people attentive on the right way. Keep Communication Vulnerable: Keep communications rolling; it helps the efficiency and proficiency of the venture. Circumvent one way communiquà © which is only from first management downward. Communication is required which crosses division lines and retains everyone well-versed and on board. Keep the End Goal Clearly in Mind: Leaders can turn out to be side-tracked and overlook the necessity for checking the project dates. People may lose attention for the duration of a project and permit goals to float. If the overlooked time limit is early on in the project, it can have an undulate effect. Plan and specify human resources and requirements for a project Planning of Human resources seeks to place the right employees in the right jobs at the right time, so that an organisation can meet its objectives. Human resource planning tries to forecast personnel demand, assess supply and reconcile the two in a systematic manner. When developing HR plans, it is important for managers to scan the external environment to identify the effects of economic conditions, regional and competitive pressures, governmental influences and workforce composition and patterns. Planning the requirement for Human Resources for a project Most firms estimate how many employees they require in future. The demand for human talent at various levels is primarily due to the following factors: 1. External challenges: These challenges arise from three important sources: (a) Economic developments: Opening up of banking sector, capital market reforms, the on-line trading systems have created huge requirement for finance professionals . (b) Political, legal, social and technical changes: The requirement for certain categories of employees and skills is also influenced by changes in political, legal and social structure in an economy. (c) Competition: Companies operating in fields where a large number of players are bent upon cutting each others throat (with a view to enhance their market shares) often reduce their workforce. Competition is beneficial to customers but suicidal for companies operating on thin margins. 2. Organisational decisions: The organisations strategic plan, sales and production forecasts and new ventures must all be taken into account in employment planning. 3. Workforce factors: Requirement is modified by retirements, terminations, resignations, deaths and leaves of absence. Past experience, however, makes the rate of occurrence of these actions by employees fairly predictable. 4. Forecasting techniques: The manpower forecasting techniques commonly employed by modern organisations are given below: (a) Expert forecasts: In this method, managers estimate future human resource requirements, using their experiences and judgements to good effect. (b) Trend analysis: HR needs can be estimated by examining past trends. Past rates of change can be projected into the future or employment growth can be estimated by its relationship with a particular index. 5. Other methods: Several mathematical models, with the aid of computers are also used to forecast HR needs, e.g., regression, optimisation models, budget and planning analysis. Examine project processes and procedures Develop project plans and the project organisation Planning is the key to successful project. When we thought of a project we need to make project plan. Step 1 Project Goals: A project is successful when the the requirements of the investors are done. A investor is one directly or indirectly affected by the project. As a main step it is vital to recognize the shareholders in your project. Examples of stakeholders are: The project guarantor The client who take delivery of the services The operators of the project yields The project manager and project team The next step once you have piloted all the conversations and have a all-inclusive list of requirements is to give priorities to them. From the this list generate a customary of objectives that can be easily measured. This way it will be easy to know when a objective has been accomplished. Once you have recognized a clear set of goals they should be chronicled in the project plan. It can be beneficial to also comprise the needs and opportunities of your shareholders. Step 2 Project Deliverables: Supplement the deliverables to the project plan with an predictable delivery date. Further exact delivery dates will be established during the development phase. Step 3 Project Schedule: Build a list of responsibilities that must be voted for out for each deliverable acknowledged in step 2. For every task ascertain the following: The amount of effort (hours or days) required to do the task The resource who will bring out the task After finding out the amount of work for each task, you can work out the effort mandatory for each deliverable and an accurate delivery date. Update your deliverables division with the more precise distribution dates. Step 4 Supporting Plans This step deals with plans you must create as quantity of the planning process. These can be comprised openly in the plan. Human Resource Plan Classify by name the persons and associations with a important role in the project. For each one designate their roles and tasks on the project. Next, designate the number and kind of people necessary to carry out the project. For each means feature start dates, assessed time and the technique you will use for tracking down them. Craft a single sheet encompassing this statistics. Communications Plan Design a document displaying who wishes to be kept informed about the mission and how they will collect the facts. The most corporate mechanism is a weekly/once-a-month development report, telling how the project is performing, landmarks attained and work scheduled for the next period. Risk Management Plan Risk management is an imperative portion of project management. Though often unnoticed, it is significant to recognize as numerous menaces to your venture as probable and be organized if something badly takes place. Some examples of mutual project risks: Time and cost approximations too enthusiastic Customer analysis and opinion phase too slow Unanticipated economical cuts Unclear roles and accountabilities Shareholder input is not required or their needs are not correctly assumed Shareholders varying necessities after the project has on track Shareholders adding new necessities after the project has underway Bad communication ensuing in misinterpretations, quality problems and modify Deficiency of resource assurance Apply project scheduling, estimating and cost control techniques Project Scheduling helps you do the following: They deliver a foundation for you to monitor and control project undertakings. They assist you regulate how best to distribute resources so you can attain the project objective. They support you evaluate how time postponements will influence the project. You can figure out where additional resources are obtainable to assign to other projects. They deliver a root to support you track project development. Cost Estimating Resources for which expenses are estimated include infrastructure, employment, equipment, components, etc. and special class like rise or emergency. If the performing organization does not have properly skilled project cost estimators,after that project team must require to contribute both the possessions and the proficiency to carry out project cost estimating actions. Analogous Estimating Analogous cost estimating means using the real cost of previous or similar projects as the base for estimating the cost of the existing project. Analogous cost estimating This technique is used when there is a inadequate amount of comprehensive information about the project. It uses professional judgment, is less costly and is less precise but cons

Friday, January 17, 2020

Personal leadership development plan Essay

Introduction This paper defines the leadership and discusses necessary steps to make to achieve a well-developed strategy plan. There are many definitions of leadership and even leadership professionals have diverse views about it. Leadership is not about your position, power or rank, for me, leadership involves the self-awareness, identifying your weakness and strengths. Leadership involves taking opportunity the ï ¬ rst and applying personal self-control methods to win the second, surrounding yourself with the right group to overcome some of your faults; where the ultimate goal is to win the trust of your followers to move them toward a mutual goal. From another standpoint, the spearhead should be able to recognize his team needs, inspire them and add toward the improvement to make many other leaders. Being a leader in a governmental ministry, where the number of permanently employed staff is nine hundred, appropriate leadership strategy and skills is needed; to cover up the daily challenges in the ministry. Therefore, it is very necessary to develop a good and realistic development plan in leadership to handle these challenges. Mission, vision and core values The vision of this development plan of a project is to be the leading leader in developing and creating new leadership and leaders in the team of the ministry. The mission of my development plan is to develop a performance management system to make certain of executing the strategy and clear accountability. The core values of this new leadership strategy or plan is pledging to high moral standards, frankness, and uprightness, and embracing excellence, eminence service and incessant improvement from my followers. Body When developing the development need plan, it very necessary to understand diverse leadership styles and an emotional acumen, strengths and weakness  related to it. Effective leadership eludes many people and organizations (Goleman, 2000). The most successful leaders have stronghold and weakness in the following emotional acumen know-hows; motivation, social skills, self-awareness, understanding, and self-regulation. They are six method of leadership; each one of them applies the key component of the emotional intelligence in not the same combinations. The six basic leadership styles include; coercive, pacesetting, authoritative, coaching, affiliative and democratic. The coercive style is very appropriate in a setback situation, after handling workforces difficulties; it involves do as the boss says, however, it limits organizational flexibility and weaken motivation. In the pacesetting leadership, a leader set high standards of performance which the followers use as impact on positive motivation, but it overwhelm some of the followers. Coaching style focuses on personal development. An authoritative method is the one that uses a â€Å"accompany me† tactic. It organizes well in the industry that is in an implication; however, it is not effective when dealing with more experienced professional than you. A democratic method gives my followers a voice in the decision-making, but it gives birth to endless meeting. The last in the leadership styles is an affiliative method, it valid in coming up with the team accord or growing morale. But the style focus on praise can permit a poor act to go uncorrected. To come out as the top spearhead, I should know more than one method of management. Being this kind of a leader, it is flexible in changing from one style to the other as per dictation of the circumstances. The more method I understood, the better. In particular, being able to switch from one form of style to the other, as the situation dictate, make the best organizational environment in the ministry. Incorporating aspects of each of the three elemental charm proportions, a character-based trailblazer is best seen as an agent of moral change (Wright& Lauer, 2013). Another development need plan is my character, strengths and weakness. Character is defined as the intellectual and ethical attitudes that leave one sensation most intensely and deeply energetic and active. The real me stress the importance of being as exact as possible in outlining the character idea. In that  regard, a character-based leader is someone with the essential self-discipline (ethical discipline) to generously act on his or her own wish (moral autonomy) to motivate, sustain, and change the beliefs and attitudes of both self and followers. Best viewed as giving an all-embracing moral scope, the character-based leader has the standpoint to unceasingly strive to move his or her organization, team or group past narrow, self-interest chases toward the accomplishment of mutual good goals (ethical attachment). While drawing on a number of viewpoints, including servant, mystical, values-based and reliable, character-based leadership is notable by its vital obedience to a core moral context. This ethical focus is drawn clearly when compared with values-based classes to leadership. The weakness in my character is that I don’t provide consideration to facts, and I don’t push people hard. Ambiguity leadership is another area considered in the project development of the need plan. Models for leadership admit uncertainty as a datum of life for employed leaders. While we consider uncertainty grasses upon us, in reality, it exists every day. In fact, one could claim that ambiguity is just â€Å"the way stuffs are† in a post-industrial group. Just like most people, uncertainty makes me panic. It can collapse a plan. Measuring the ability to engage amid uncertainty is no more difficult than measuring any of the other important traits that we look for in self-assessments and multi-rater feedback (Peterson& Mannix, 2003).It can create someone lose Slumber. It can stop you in your ways. Most people try to evade it. Measuring the capability to engage amid doubt is no harder than gauging any of the other vital characters that we consider for in self-assessments and multi-rater response. The personalities of indecision tolerance can also be uncovered through coaching and interviews. Ambiguity architect program can help in accessing the comfort related with discomfort. This program identifies eight kinds of employers founded on their comfort level with vague conditions and their know hoe at dealing the resultant uncertainty. The third type is the Future scanners: These folks are actually fluid philosophers who want to comprehend how a ministry runs  and continually consider how it will play out in future settings. They are not â€Å"seers,† but in its place demonstrate a curiosity for the forthcoming. Number four on the category is the Tenacious challengers: These folks are tire-less in resolving problems. They will, in some circumstances, drive others to do likewise, even though it is not always valued. If they don’t stimulate others, they will be seen as rough or worst-case state or punitive. Fifth on the sorts is Exciters: These persons were mutual in the study. They adore what they do and they need everybody else to like what they do, too. Sixth are the Flexible adjusters: These influential exhibit two inclinations: the capacity to admit they’re incorrect and the ability to trade changes to folks whose conceit is against the adjustment. This is shown to be an exclusively important advantage in corporate. Seventh of the list are the Simplifiers: Using spoken or written approaches, these persons are able to take complex ideas and help everyone in a ministry understand where the organization is heading. Being a simplifier seems to be something that can be well-read. The last but not least are the Focusers: Last but not least, focusers have the ability to pinpoint and spell the critical few actions that require to be done, as well as change to a diverse set of actions at the correct time. The development also recognized sets of manners that tend to limbs performance during ambiguous times and used these to categorize workers. First are the Poor transitioners: These folks have difficulty changing from one kind of duty or conduct to another. Pointers of this feature might include being really capable at some jobs but extremely dared by others. Second under this category are the Wet blankets: They reduce the energy of a group. They may lack zeal for their own work and respond adversely to the commitment of co-workers. Third are the Conflict avoiders: These persons tend to be overly accepting, often the result of being highly opposed to potentially provocative or intense situations. Fourth are the Muddy thinkers: They show misperception that at times is self-inflicted. They process matters in a way that makes the disputes more difficult than need be. The last thing to include in the strategic plan is the assignments development. Using development job assignments productively will have  positive benefits for both the individuals and the organization (Montross, 1992). First let me consider some of the crucial caveats for applying assignment development. Firstly, individuals selected for an evolving assignment should be told the reason why they are getting the assignment. Furthermore, a helpful structure should be put in place. In logic, the greater the expansion stage for the individual and the more counterculture for the group; the more backup should be provided. Conclusion In the development plan and the strategy for the ministry I have clearly elaborated the main things to include in the plan that include; leadership styles (power and fault), character growth, use of duty and ambiguity (causes, effects and how to deal with it in an organization). In the character section, I have described the strength and weakness of myself; being honest, failing to do a follow up etc. References D, G. (Ed.). (2000). Leadership gets result. HARVARD BUSINESS, MAR/APRI Peterson, R. S., & Mannix, E. A. (2003). Leading and managing people in the dynamic organization. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Wright, T., & Lauer, T. (2013). What is character and why it really does matter.Organizational Dynamics, 42, 25-34. Montross, D. H., & Shinkman, C. J. (1992). Career development: Theory and practice. Springfield, Ill., U.S.A: C.C. Thomas

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Philosophy of Therapeutic Recreation - 3064 Words

When we observe the demographics of today ¡Ã‚ ¦s society, we notice that there is quite a change in the average age, as well as life expectancy. In 1993, the average life expectancy rose to an amazing 75.5 years, with women living an average of 79 years and men living an average of 72 years (Hawkins, 1996, p. 4). With this gradual rise in age, the idea of therapeutic recreation for the aging population has taken on a significant role. Therapeutic recreation uses recreation and leisure activities to meet the needs of people in order to improve their quality of life. These needs include social, physical, cognitive, emotional, and spiritual. The experience of engaging in recreation is perceived to have therapeutic benefits. Engaging in†¦show more content†¦Without a healthy active mind, a person has trouble deciding and reasoning on his own. Sergio Petraroja explains that,  ¡Ã‚ §the powers issuing in the activities that are characteristically human are the powers of reason and free choice ¡Ã‚ ¨ (Sergio Petraroja, p. 129). Leisure, which is viewed as a state of mind or a way of perceiving experiences, has five major elements that require the aspects of a healthy mind and body. These include: intrinsic motivation, perceived freedom, perceived competence, flow, and playfulness. Intrinsic motivation refers to self-determined behavior that results in the satisfaction of the individual ¡Ã‚ ¦s internal needs. This point is more focused on maintaining a healthy mind. A person with a healthy mind has the ability to reason, and therefore can determine what it is that intrinsically motivates him. Perceived freedom requires both a healthy mind and body. If one does not maintain a healthy body through recreation, then that person may see himself as having poor health and not possessing certain abilities that allow him the freedom of participating in activities. Perceived competence is an element that also requires a healthy mind and body. This is evident in that, in order for a person to feel they can do something or perform a task, they must possess the appropriate mental competence and physical competence that the act requires of them. Flow is an element that requires a mental capacity. One must cognitively feelShow MoreRelatedEssay about Philosophy and Therapeutic Recreation 1533 Words   |  7 Pagesbecome hidden to them. This is a guiding principle for me and I believe that many of the constructs of the field of Therapeutic Recreation (TR) are congruent with this philosophy. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Case Study About Pneumonia - 10478 Words

I. INTRODUCTION This is the case of patient MCS, a 62 year old female who came to Ospital ng Guiginto with a chief complaint of productive cough with associated difficulty of breathing amp; intermittent fever. She was admitted on July 16, 2012. She was diagnosed with Pneumonia with manifestations of Asthma. Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lung parenchyma commonly caused by microbial agents. Classically, pneumonia has been categorized as being bacterial or typical, atypical, anaerobic/cavitary, or opportunistic. Another classification scheme categorizes pneumonias as community-acquired (CAP), hospital-acquired (HAP or nosocomial), pneumonia in the immunocompromised host, and aspiration pneumonia. Those at risk for pneumonia often have†¦show more content†¦Based on the studies done by the Department of Health, it is the leading cause of child mortality since 2006, accounting for 23.18%. * Reason for Choosing the Case Study We have chosen this case to present because we were interested in it. We have studied this in our lecture in Medical-Surgical Nursing so we wanted to use this knowledge to the real-life setting and get used to it. We are willing to do this case to challenge our mind in analyzing the problem and to enhance our hidden knowledge, and also to gain new experiences which would bring new learning for the members of the group. We want to be able to achieve our objectives for this case study. * Objectives of the Case Study A. Client-Centered Objectives a. Knowledge * To understand more the disease process that the patient is undergoing. * To impart knowledge to the patient and significant others about the disease. * To help the patient in managing the disease using appropriate health teachings. b. Skills * To improve the patient’s wellness by applying the interventions we acquire from this study. * To perform appropriate examinations to the patient. * To render appropriate nursing interventions that will yield good progress regarding the patient’s condition. c. Attitude * To promote rapport with our patient for therapeutic intervention. * To serve our client with holistic care andShow MoreRelatedSymptoms And Treatment Of Pneumonia1012 Words   |  5 Pagesvery young children are particularly vulnerable to these illnesses. Pneumonia is a germ-caused disease and varies in severity with the most severe form affecting the weak or immature immune people mentioned above (Frieden, 2015). Mil d pneumonia attacks healthy people with good immune systems and is treatable at home, clearing up in about two weeks. This paper will give a detailed overview of this deadly disease. Introduction Pneumonia is a term used to refer to the inflammation of the air sacs in theRead MoreA Research Proposal Investigating How Nursing Home Acquired Can Be Preventable Through Practice Improvement Essay1732 Words   |  7 PagesUniversity Affiliation Date Abstract Pneumonia is a significant factor that leads to morbidity as well as mortality in nursing home residents. It has a one-month mortality rate that range from 15-35%. Nursing home residents are frequently referred to hospitals for diagnostic tests. They may as well be provided with acute health care services. In our qualitative study, we shall examine residents and family members’ perspective on pneumonia prevention. 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This infection can be transmitted in different ways, as it is spread in the form of specific viruses, bacterium or fungi; any sort of human contact with these could transmit the infection. Pneumonia accounts for 15% of all child mortalitiesRead MorePrevention Of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia1015 Words   |  5 PagesVentilator-Associated Pneumonia Ventilator- associated pneumonia is a common infection in patients admitted to the ICU. With the increasing rate in of ventilator associated pneumonia it is estimated that it may â€Å"account for up to 60% of all death from healthcare- associated infections( HAIs) in the U.S†( Ventilator Associated Pneumonia, 2015 ) . This statistic has made ventilator-associated pneumonia one of the top concerns in the health care setting. It is estimated that ventilator- associated pneumonia increasesRead MoreEvaluation Of An Integrated Care Pathway1379 Words   |  6 PagesREFERENCE TO NATIONAL AND LOCAL AGENDAS The pathway I have selected to discuss from pervious placement is the Pneumonia pathway. The national agenda I have chosen heading this topic is the National Institute for Health and care Excellence (NICE). Under the pneumonia pathway I will concentrate on the â€Å"Adult with community acquired pneumonia path which is within the pathway. Pneumonia, is a lower respiratory tract infection in which there is an inflammation of the lung(s) caused by a bacterial, viralRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Sjogren Syndrome1128 Words   |  5 Pagesmanifestation of Sjogren syndrome include nonspecific interstitial pneumonia , organizing pneumonia , usual interstitial pneumonia , lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia, primary pulmonary lymphoma , non caseating granuloma, bronchiolitis and diffuse interstitial amyloidosis. Acute fibrinous and organizing pneumonia (AFOP) is a histological pattern characterized by intra-alveolar fibrin deposition and associated organizing pneumonia. AFOP has been as sociated with rheumatologic disorders in the literatureRead MoreCritical Appraisal of Qualitative Research Study1032 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿Critical Appraisal of Qualitative Research Study Problem Statement The problem addressed in this study is reported in the work of Carusone, Loeb, and Lohfield (2006) entitled Pneumonia Care and the Nursing Home: A Qualitative Descriptive Study of Resident and Family Member Perspectives. The problem addressed in this study is the fact that nursing home residents are sent to the hospital quite frequently for diagnostic testing and to receive health care services. These transfers are reportedRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Pneumonia1516 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Pneumonia is a lung infection that can be a mild to severe illness for all ages. It is caused by bacteria, virus, or fungi. Pneumonia was the leading cause of death in the U.S. About 2 million people in the U.S get pneumonia each year, only causing about 60,000 deaths. Pneumonia is the leading cause of child death worldwide. It is accountable for 15% of children’s’ deaths under five years old, killing around 922,000 children in 2015 (WHO 2015). Pneumonia affects everyone worldwide butRead Moredisease process pneumonia1101 Words   |  5 PagesSTUDENT NAME: _____________________________ DATE: ______ DISEASE PROCESS STUDY Purpose To provide a thorough review of a disease process at the cellular or organ level Link essential assessments and nursing care priorities to the client’s response to their disease process Disease Process: ________Pneumonia_____________________________________________ Pathophysiology at the Cellular or Organ Level Pneumonia is described in Tabers cyclopedia medical dictionary, â€Å"as inflammation of the