Friday, May 22, 2020

Why Do You Sweat - Evaporative Cooling - The Heat Index

Most people know sweating is a process your body uses to cool down. Your body is always trying to maintain an even body temperature. Sweating reduces body heat through a process known as evaporative cooling. Just like getting out of a pool in the summertime, a small wind will be enough movement across your wet skin to create cooling. Try This Simple Experiment Wet the back of your hand.Blow gently across your hand. You should already feel a cooling sensation.Now, blot your hand dry and use the opposite hand to feel the actual temperature of your skin. It will actually be cooler to the touch! During the summer, humidity in certain areas of the world is very high. Some people even refer to the weather as muggy weather. High relative humidity means the air is holding a lot of water. But there is a limit to the amount of water air can hold. Think of it this way...If you have a glass of water and a pitcher, no matter how much water is in the pitcher, you simply cannot make a glass hold more water. Just to be fair, the idea of air holding water can be seen as a common misconception unless you look at the full story on how water vapor and air interact. There is a wonderful explanation of the common misconception with relative humidity from Georgia State University. Relative Humidity is a "Glass Half Full" Going back to the idea of evaporative cooling, if there is nowhere for the water to evaporate to, then it stays on your skin surface. In other words, when the relative humidity is very high, there is only a little room in that glass for more water. If the Heat Index is High in Your Area... When you sweat, the only way you cool down is through evaporation of water from your skin. But if the air is holding too much water already, the sweat stays on your skin and you get little to no relief from the heat. A high Heat Index value shows a small chance of evaporative cooling from the skin. You even feel like it is hotter outside because you cant rid your skin of the excess water. In many areas of the world, that sticky, humid feeling is nothing more than... Your Body Says: Wow, my sweating mechanism is not cooling my body very well because the high temperatures and high relative humidity combine to create less than ideal conditions for the evaporative cooling effects of water from surfaces. You and I say: Wow, it is hot and sticky today. I better get in the shade! Either way you look at it, the Heat Index is designed to keep you safe in the summertime. Keep on alert for all signs of summer heat illnesses and know the danger zones!

Friday, May 8, 2020

Effectiveness And Proficiency Of Healthcare - 1684 Words

Introduction Outcomes research is a specific and growing subject matter in the medical industry. Outcomes research observes the effectiveness and proficiency of healthcare.5 The results of outcomes research studies allow physicians and medical care staff to make the adjustments necessary to help patients’ experiences. Outcomes research studies focus on the end results, particularly patients’ health and capabilities. In order to provide quality service, healthcare staff must take patients’ experiences, wants and values into account.5,6,7 Patient wellness and involvement is of great concern for future endeavors. The findings of these studies lead to adjustments in practice as well as progress in more decisive research.6 The future†¦show more content†¦Donabedian completed the program assessment by evaluating the connection between structure, process and outcomes. Donabedian considered outcomes to be a critical advocator for effectiveness and quality.8,9 Out comes seek improvement in areas that need adjustments. Agency of Health Services Research (AHSR) was the first foundation established in 1959 that focused solely on studying the effectiveness of health services.9 The AHSR is an organization that invests to improve the quality of heath care and health care services. By 1989, another group was created by Congress; the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR). This association was a substitute for the AHSR. The AHCPR was required to perform research studies regarding health care services and systems[†¦]9 In hope of finding new information, the AHCPR jump-started the Medical Treatment Effectiveness Program (MEDTEP), part of which was the Patient Outcomes Research Teams (PORTs). The aim of MEDTEP was to improve the effectiveness and appropriateness of medical practices. Three aspects of this portion are patient outcomes research, database development and research on effective methods of distributing the information.9 In making this program, Congress was making sure that outcomes research was being explored and data was being collected. PORTs is the part of the program that calls for literature reviews and

Wednesday, May 6, 2020


Miss Veers abides by the initial plan to provide are to the men suffering from syphilis and to prove that black and whites were the same biologically in regards to disease. As Miss Veers initially believes that the government would provide the best medical support available to her patients, she rallies up a majority of the African American men of Macon County. Miss Veers becomes profoundly attached to the patients, as they are to her. We will write a custom essay sample on HIPAA HITECH or any similar topic only for you Order Now Although the government funded project intended to treat the men, the funds for the study ultimately dissipate. Dry. Broods, the chief doctor of Tuskegee, heads to Washington where he is confronted by Washington D. C. Officials with an offer of a new underlying principle for funding. The gentlemen explain to Dry. Broods that the study of the African American men is intended to mimic the study that was done in Oslo, Norway that focused on Caucasian males who were infected. On the contrary, the Tuskegee men would no longer be patients who would be treated, but as human subjects of research. They would also not be informed of the transformation of the study. In disbelief, Dry. Broods learns the truth about the government experiment, but is intrigued and hopeful that the project would bring future funding for proper reattempts in order for the African American Men of Tuskegee and to establish the fact that a disease would bring about the same affects on people regardless of race. In disbelief and feeling distraught that the men will not be treated, Miss Veers sticks to her pledge and commitment to treating the men and feels as if she must not abandon them as she will be there for comfort and support. Dry. Broads and Miss Veers hoped that funding for treatment would be restored after several months, but the years sweep by. The men were given placebos and liniments and Miss Veers intended her effort to partake in the lie that eventually results in a four-decade period of deteriorated health for African American men. This eventually leads to the 1973 Senate hearing in which Miss Veers testifies into the Tuskegee study which viewers are introduced to in the beginning of the film. From there, viewers are taken to the scenes of the four decade Journey, which depict the many examples of ethical issues that took place in the Tuskegee study. The decisions and actions of Miss Veers proved to be courageous, but at the same time, many unethical factors and situations occurred during the study. In the Ethics Lecture written by Lisa Hankerer, the concepts of ethics and ethical dilemmas are explained. Within a workplace or professional group, a code of ethics must be abided by. â€Å"A professional Code of Ethics will include how one should conduct themselves in an ethical manner† (Hankerer 1). Different types of codes of ethics include â€Å"Relations with Public†, â€Å"Responsibility to the Profession† and â€Å"Responsibility in the Research and Evaluation† (Hankerer 1), all of which Miss Veers was involved with. Miss Veers took a pledge to care for, protect, and provide emotional support towards the infected men which is her code of conduct as a health professional. Time progressed and as the men continued to be untreated, symptoms began to develop and health starts to deteriorate. A dancer of the group named Willie, develops problems within his skeletal system as his bones deteriorate. Ben, another man of the group, begins to show signs of mental dysfunction as the syphilis infection spreads to his brain. Penicillin became available in the sass, but the infected men were not given any. Eventually, several of the untreated men die. Although Miss Veers had an initial ledge to care for and treat the men, she ultimately deceived them into thinking they would soon get better and continued to give them placebos and pseudo treatment such as spinal taps which she called â€Å"back shots† (Miss Veers’ Boys). Miss Veers only did what she thought was right and fulfilled her duty of following the doctor’s orders, but her conduct was unethical. She went out of the boundaries of the proper code of conduct as a genuine health care provider. Dry. Broads also had his fare share of unethical actions as he never informed the patients of the procedures and tests done upon them. Not once did Dry. Broods get informed consent from the men to obtain physical tests from them. Miss Veers’ continued to tell the men â€Å"Listen to the doctors, because they know’ (Miss Veers Boys). She did an accurate Job of instilling trust the infected men. Although Dry. Broods’ sole purpose was to treat the infected men with syphilis and receive funding for proper treatment; purpose was never fulfilled resulting in a 4 decade failed research project drastically affecting and killing the innocent men in Macon county. In the Ethics Lecture by Lisa Hankerer, she states hat â€Å"the study (of the Tuskegee men) has moved from a singular historical event to a powerful metaphor that symbolizes racism in medicine, misconduct in human research, the arrogance of physicians, and government abuse of black people† (1). This touches on the â€Å"Barriers to Ethical Problems† in which Hankerer identifies in the Ethics Lecture. The economics from the sass to sass was complex, and African Americans certainly dealt with many economic barriers in that era because of their race. Resources for treatment were diminished for the men of Tuskegee as funding as never aided to the project acting as a barrier to receive legitimate treatment to cure the infection of syphilis. The concept of â€Å"Institutional racism† (Hankerer) contributes to the fact that the infected African American men were untreated for a long period of time and were never permitted by the U. S. Government to receive penicillin as treatment. Another factor contributing to the institutional racism portrayed in Miss Veers Boys was the common misconception that the African American men of Macon County, Alabama would react differently to disease than Caucasian men. Miss Veers’ Boys portrayed mordant events of health science in America from the sass to sass that led to legal action towards racism and abuse of humans as research subjects. The decisions Miss Veers faced had many pros and cons in regards to the infected men of the Tuskegee Institution with how they felt, what they went through, and the effects on their health. Throughout the movie, as a viewer, I consistently hoped that Miss Veers would defy the conventions of the doctors and obtain a cure for syphilis to treat the men lawfully. References Hankerer, Lisa. â€Å"Ethics Lecture†. Human Development Course. (2014) Miss Veers’ BOYS. 1997 TV Movie Youth. Com: http://www. Youth. Com/watch? V=muddy OB8233BA1947FA forty year study and her reasons as to why she continued with it for as long as she did. The movie leaves the viewers to reflect on the ethical and the immoral issues of the Tuskegee Experiment. In conclusion, Miss Veers may have been one of the main focuses of evaluating the Tuskegee study in the 1972 Senate hearing, but it is the intentions of the U. S senators and government that should also be looked at for moral evaluation. How to cite HIPAA HITECH, Papers